Sunday, April 10, 2011


I probably should have taken some time to mention it a while ago but the camera was stolen, Club Silver was shut down (something about a liquor license???) and I got extra tied down in the process of gopreing to CRAS and working at Mega/The the picture posts came to a halt. I have since replaced said camera with something new(er), bigger and better, way better. Stick around and you can see for yourself. I'm OFFICIALLY in cali now, 2 weeks down, starting week #3. I spent the entire month of Feb. out here--Valentine's Day, All-Star Weekend and everything in between...I have a pretty nice little stash of new material, might as well share it right??? As long as people are checking for it and hopefully enjoying it, then I guess it's my civic duty to give the people what they want...if you like it, cool great, pass it on, if not, well that's cool too, everything isn't for everybody. Check back often, I'm constantly on the move, shows, events, misc. happenings, you never know where I might show up, that's the best part...good gettin' better ya'll, i'm out!!!!


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